WHEN: March 29-30, 2025

WHERE: Southend

COST: $300.00 Per Team by Check or Zelle
$310.00 Per Team Online with Credit Card

DIVISIONS: Open to Boy's & Girl's teams 3rd through High School

FORMAT: Each team will play a minimum of 4 games

AWARDS: T-Shirts for 1st and 2nd place teams with 5 or more teams in division.  T-Shirts for 1st place team only if 4 teams in division.

DEADLINE TO ENTER AND PAYMENT: March 23, 2025 BY 10:00PM OR until gym space is filled!!

SCHEDULE POSTED: March 26, 2025

Most teams will play two games on Saturday and two games on Sunday! 

For more information: 206-383-7102 Jay or 206-383-9848 Kim
 or email us at wtabasketball@comcast.net